Our Team
At the heart of our Practice, lies the expertise and knowledge of a Dynamic Team.
With Offices in Port Elizabeth, Cape Town and George, our team of 6 experienced Industrial Psychologists, is supported by our skilled and dedicated Practice Manager, Caro Breytenbach, Finance Manager, Cecilé Britz, Administrative Manager, Bianca Mitchell, and our Administrative Assistant, Maxine Roelofse. Our Mental Health division is run from Cape Town and headed up by Kobus White.
Our Industrial Psychologists are also assisted by Professional Assistants, Roelien Koster, Cormari Brand, Rouchelle Lucas and Donelle Randall, and Intern Industrial Psychologists, Chevonne Klue and Ilana Viljoen.
Dr Peter Whitehead
Industrial Psychologist
BA (Hons) (University of Stellenbosch), MA (SocSc) (University of Cape Town), D (Phil) (RAU) (Leadership in Performance and Change)
Peter has 35 years’ experience in Human Resources, Organisational Development and Management and Business Consulting. He has worked in various diverse corporations in a full-time capacity on Executive Management levels and has held several directorships during this time. He has extensive experience in organisational restructuring, and has been extensively involved in organisational mergers, take-overs, acquisitions and associated organisational restructuring. He has specialised forensic expertise and experience in the medico-legal field.
His specific areas of expertise include Organisation Development, Medico-legal, Strategy design and development, Leadership development, Change Management and Transformation, Remuneration, Team Building and Job Evaluation.
Dr Michelle Nobre
Industrial Psychologist
BA (Hons) (Nelson Mandela University), MA (Industrial Psychology) (University of Stellenbosch), PhD (Leadership & Human Resource Management) (University of Johannesburg)
Michelle has 22 years’ National and International experience. She has consulted to private enterprises across numerous industries including retail, hospitality, forestry, manufacturing and professional services. She has also consulted to Local and National Government and has held full-time senior management positions in various diverse corporations. International clients include Kuwait Oil Company and Shell International, whilst National clients include Eveready, MTO Forestry, PetroSA, QdotPharma, VWSA / Audi, Ackermans, the DPSA and the Breede River Winelands Municipality.
Specific areas of expertise include Medico-Legal opinion, Organisational Development, Human Resources Management, Performance Management, Remuneration and Job Evaluation.
Zenita Durrheim
Industrial Psychologist
BA (Hons) (University of Stellenbosch), MA (Research Psychology) (University of South Africa), MA (Industrial and Organisational Psychology Cum Laude) (Nelson Mandela University)
Zenita holds a Master’s degree in Research Psychology as well as Industrial and Organisational Psychology.
She has worked for more than a decade within the Industrial and Organisational Psychology sector with particular experience working in the Medico/Psycho legal field. She has provided research and consultancy services to various organisations including IPSOS, IBIS Business and Information Services, PMR, Wisdom Keys Group, amongst others, working at both a national and international level.
She has undertaken a project as Lead Analyst for a national census on behalf of the Business Women’s Association of South Africa for several years and in 2015, she oversaw this project in its entirety.
Amorei Engelbrecht
Industrial Psychologist
BCom Industrial Psychology (Hons) (University of Stellenbosch); MA (Industrial Psychology) (University of Stellenbosch); SAMLA Foundations of Medico-Legal Practice (University of Cape Town)
Amorei is an Industrial and Organisational Psychologist with 10 years’ experience in Organisational Development, Business Consulting, Human Resources as well as the Medico-legal Field. She currently works in private practice, where she performs Medico-Legal- and Psychometric Assessment Evaluations, consults and serves as an Executive Member on Human Resources and Organisational Development in the professional services industry.
She has experience in strategic, policy-making level positions, where her areas of expertise include Strategic Human Resource matters such as Change Management, Facilitation, Leadership Development and -Coaching, as well as Psychometric Assessment, Performance Management, Recruitment and Selection and Team Dynamics. She has furthermore gained valuable experience in Remuneration Systems and Job Grading Principles across several industries.
Her industry experience includes, but is not limited to, professional services-, manufacturing-, automotive-, telecommunications and information-, agricultural-, commercial-, government- and logistic industries, where she had gained in depth knowledge through her involvement on consulting projects.
She has facilitated Emotional Intelligence and Change interventions for students admitted on extended academic programmes, as well as final year Medical Students at the University of Stellenbosch Medical Campus (Tygerberg Hospital). She is furthermore actively involved with development- and career initiatives for undergraduate students from marginalised communities, across a number of universities in South Africa.
Eben Coetzee
Industrial Psychologist
BCom (Hons) (North-West University), MA (Industrial Psychology) (North-West University).
Eben has worked in Higher Education before as well as doing general Management Consulting. He has been specialising in Medico-Legal Assessments since 2017, in order to provide the Legal Profession potential Loss of Earnings reports, typically related to the Road Accident Fund (RAF), Medical Negligence, Personal Injury, Wrongful Arrest, as well as Loss of Support claims.
Prior focus areas include Organisational Wellness, Employee Wellness, Psychometric Assessments and Organisational Development.
Jandré Horn
Industrial Psychologist
BCom (Hons) (University of Stellenbosch), MCom (Industrial Psychology) (University of Cape Town)
Jandré commenced his career in the Retail Industry, where he worked as a Regional Human Resources Manager. Here, he was involved in Recruitment and Selection, Training and Development, Industrial Relations, Career Counselling and Development, Performance Management, Remuneration and Employee Benefits amongst others.
He has since entered the Medico-Legal field and specialises in writing Industrial Psychology Medico-Legal Reports, where he provides Expert Opinions on potential loss of earnings scenarios.
In 2023, he was employed as a part-time Lecturer at the Nelson Mandela University (NMU), where he lectures Industrial Psychology and Human Resources Management.
Kobus White
Organisational Development Specialist
BEcon (Hons) (University of Stellenbosch)
Kobus is passionate about and has extensive experience in Change Management and Organisational Development, Strategic Human Resource Planning and Management, as well as Business Management and Development. He has worked in various corporations in a full-time capacity on Executive Management levels and has held several Directorships during this time. He has also been involved in organisational mergers, take-overs, acquisitions and associated organisational restructuring.
Kobus has a keen interest in Mental Health and has developed a diagnostic questionnaire and workshop which pays specific attention to the development of coping mechanisms to assist individuals who are experiencing Mental Health challenges through the use of Cognitive Behaviour Therapy techniques.
William McKay
William McKay is a retired URCSA Minister. He is a dedicated facilitator, motivational speaker and trainer with a keen focus on Pastoral Care. He aims to empower people and develop the next generation of Divergent Thinkers and Leaders that could impact the social and economic circumstances and Mental Health of ordinary people in South Africa.
His passion for Pastoral Care and Mental Health has laid the foundation for a partnership with Whitehead Industrial Psychologists (Kobus White) to develop a series of Mental Health leadership and awareness tools and guidelines for Facilitators and ordinary citizens. He served in the Uniting Reformed Church and on various community forums, NPO’s and organisations and is a weekly online presenter at Civinovus Online Radio.
Francois Joubert
BMil (Management Science) (University of Stellenbosch), BA (Health science & Social Service) (University of South Africa, Cum laude) BA (Hons Psychology) (University of South Africa, Cum laude) Registered Professional Health & Safety Practitioner (SACPCMP: CHSO/1673/2018)
Francois Joubert has travelled and worked extensively in many countries, industries, within different job titles with various qualifications. He has acquired a variety of life and work experiences that give him a unique vantage point as a “LiveWell Specialist”. His passion is to empower people to live full, happy and productive lives at work and home by enabling them to realise and attain their full potential.
He provides mental health support with management skills coaching within both physical and meta-physical frameworks to employees and individuals on and off business sites. As a registered professional health and safety practitioner he also provides businesses with expert advice on physical health and safety protection of employees with Occupational health and Safety Acts and Regulations compliance support. He is also qualified and experienced in pastoral or spiritual care.